BRIGHTSIDES Hand Troller Plans


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SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
Stitch-and-Glue: Plywood Epoxy & Fiberglass
HULL FORM: Multi-chine
Mahogany (Occume etc.) Marine Plywood - planking
Red Cedar - floorboards
Mahogany (Meranti etc.) - all other wood
Epoxy/Fiberglass Cloth - sheathing & seams
Silicon Bronze - Fastenings and Hardware
Brass - Stem and Keel Bands
Spar Varnish - Trim and Topsides
Urethane Enamel - Lower Hull, inside & out

Plan package: Three 24 x 36 plan sheets & 67-page illustrated instruction book.
"Brightsides" is 15 feet long with a beam of 46 inches and hull inside depth of 14 inches. This boat is excellent for rowing and can be sailed. Sailing rig is detailed on the plans. The hull is double-ended for minimum resistance and maximum seaworthiness. The relatively flat-floored midsection provides good stability with the moderate beam, the fine ends give speed and responsiveness, and the high flared bow and stern ride over waves. Brightsides rows very easily at moderate speeds, and can be kept near top speed with only moderate strength. The standard layout with three seats and two rowing stations allows trimming the boat for different passenger loads and sea conditions. The boat can be rowed double with a third crew member in the sternsheets as cox'n to balance the boat, or can be built with an alternate layout for more efficient double rowing with only two crew.

Brightsides is a modern version of the double-ended commercial salmon-fishing skiffs called "Handliners" or "Hand Trollers" that worked the Georgia Strait and Alaskan waters before the days of the gasoline engine. These salmon skiffs fished with handlines trolled behind the boat under oar power. The fishermen (and some women) who rowed them depended on their boats' seaworthiness and speed to earn their living. The same qualities that commercial fishers required a century ago make these boats superb recreational craft today.